168, Jalan Tun H.S.Lee

50000 Kuala Lumpur.Malaysia

+603-20782735 (辦公室)

+603-2072 6669 (關帝廟)

關帝廟開放時間 : 星期一至星期日

Operation from Monday to Sunday


日期:03/10/2010 (星期日)

有意出席會員請於28/09/2010前致電本會辦事處或通過電郵報名,以便安排交通,逾期者請自備交通前往總墳。不便之處,敬請見諒。 任何疑問,請於辦工時間 (9am–5pm) 致電本會辦事處詢問(03-2078 2735) ,或電郵至[email protected]
Autumn Festival Worship

Date : 03/10/2010 (Sunday)
Time : 10.00am. (worship)
Place : Kwong Siew Association Kuan Ti Temple

After the ceremony at the temple, members will board a specially chartered bus to the Kwong Siew’s ancestral gravesite located in Old Airport Road for worship to our ancestors. After the worship ceremony, food and light refreshments will be served at the site. In order to show our respect to ancestors, your attendance is greatly welcomed.
Interested members, who wish to attend, please register with the office early before the 28/09/2010 so that bus transport arrangement can be made. Members who reply late may have to find their way to the gravesite.