1. | 名稱 | |
1.1 | 本會館定名為雪隆廣肇會館 ( 後稱會館) ,由原籍中國廣州府與肇慶兩府,居於雪蘭莪與吉隆坡聯邦直轄區之馬來西亞華裔公民組成。 | |
2. | 地址 | |
2.1 | 會館註冊地址為吉隆坡敦李孝式街門牌168 號。開會地點為吉隆坡敦李孝式街門牌149 號6 樓。註冊地址與開會地點不得更改,除非事先獲得馬來西亞社團註冊官批准。 | |
3. | 宗旨 | |
3.1 | 會館宗旨是聯絡會員之鄉誼,共謀福利,並推動社會公益慈善文娛活動。 | |
3.2 | 會館應與馬來西亞各埠之廣肇會館及其兩府附屬之會館聯系,互通訊息,以期增進鄉親。 | |
4. | 會員 | |
4.1 | 屬廣肇兩府之馬來西亞公民,年滿21 歲,品行端正者,及大學或學院在藉學生,如欲申請入會,必須呈上有關大學或學院正/ 副校長之批准書,均可申請為會館普通會員或永久會員。入會手續須有會員1 人介紹及1 人贊成依照格式紙填妥,交書記標貼在辦事處1 星期後提交董事會議取決。 | |
4.2 | 凡新入會會員須繳納入會費RM 10 。普通會員每年年捐RM 20 ,永久會員1 次繳納入費RM 100 則不必再交年捐。 | |
4.2.1 | 普通會員欠年捐年年者,不得享有章程第10.2. 所規定之權力。 | |
4.2.2 | 凡會員入會不足1 年者,不得享有選舉權和被選權。 | |
4.2.3 | 普通會員欠年捐逾3 年者,會員籍自動吊銷。 | |
4.2.4 | 會館任何會員若被確定為吸毒患精神病、刑事案已被定罪,誹謗會館,破壞 會館任何動產或不動產,或者給會館造成任何混亂,經紀律小組確認後,董事會有權開除其會員籍。破產者可被接納成為會員,惟不能擔任董事部成員。 | |
4.3 | 任何同鄉之申請獲准後,同時已繳交會費者,將獲得1 張會員證及證書,其名字編入會員冊,倘若遺失會員證/ 書,須親自通知會館,登記候查,隨後補發新會員證,惟必須繳交手續費RM 10 。 | |
5. | 組織及職權 | |
5.1 | 會員大會為會館最高決策機關。 | |
5.2 | 董事會由27 名當選董事組成職位如下: 會長 1 名,署里會長1 名,副會長1 名,副會長1 名,秘書長1 名,副秘書長1 名,財政1 名,副財政1 名,查賬員2 名,調查員2 名及16 名董事,會館事務應由董事會議決候辦理。 |
5.3 | 如有需要,董事會可成立任何小組處理各別事務,惟各小組需向董事會負責。 | |
5.4 | 會長為董事會及所有大會當然主席,執行所通過之議案,負責策劃督促會務進行。且會館面對任何法律操縱及對外之當然代表,若會長表態不便參與則由董事會選出,會長有權批准不超過5000 元之支項。 | |
5.5 | 署里會長襄助會長辦理各事,若會長不在,將代為行使職權。副會長在會長及署里會長都不在時,則由董事部選出1 位代會長行使職權,但無權批准支付費用。 | |
5.6 | 秘書長襄助會長辦理各事,督察會館一切事務,執行會議議決之事,辦理會館一切應為之事,若有重要事件,則提交董事會開會議決之,秘書長亦督察會館全體雇員,如有不適合者,可在會長、署里會長、副會長及財政允許下將其辭退。秘書長負責購辦會館所需一切物品,有權批准不超過3000 元之開銷。 | |
5.7 | 副秘書長協助秘書長執行職務,當秘書長不在時,代行其職務。 | |
5.8 | 財政處理會館出入財務,須將所收款項全數存入銀行。其所保管之現款,任何時候皆不得超過1000 元。支票須蓋有會館印章及由財政和會長連同秘書長簽署方為有效。 | |
5.9 | 副財政協助財政執行職務,當財政不在時,代行其職務。 | |
5.10 | 查賬員負責查核會館一切進支與賬目及單據。 | |
5.11 | 調查員調查會館有關一切要事,報告董事會辦理。 | |
5.12 | 董事部成員執行董事部議決之任務。 | |
5.13 | 在新董事會尚未產生時,仍由未卸任之舊董事會完全負責。 | |
6. | 選舉 | |
6.1 | 每年6 月30 日之前,召開會員大會1 次,選舉董事,批准接納前期會議及上年財務結冊。 | |
6.2 | 董事27 名,任期4 年,分為2 組,每組13 和14 名;每兩年每組董事輪流推任。另選13 或14 名董事,卸任董事可重選重任。董事會2 年1 任,若需要董事會可以委任以不超過2 位會員為董事,其任期2 年為限。 | |
6.3 | 董事部成員在當選後,兩星期內召開董事複選會議,從中選出會長1 名,署里會長1 名,副會長1 名,秘書長1 名,副秘書長1 名,財政1 名,副財政1 名,查賬員2 名,調查員2 名,任期皆2 年。惟退職董事可重選連任,但會長,財政及秘書長之職位,不能由同1 董事連任超過4 年。 | |
6.4 | 凡會館會員皆有選舉權及被選權,惟需符合本章程第4.2.2 。 | |
6.5 | 經過董事會最後1 次決定會員大會日期後,在大會前1 個月刊登報章通知召開之日期。凡有提案須在大會召開14 天前以書面呈交秘書處,經董事會審察討論後,才提交大會。董事會有絕對權力處理取決任何書面提案。 | |
6.6 | 每屆會員大會須預先兩星期在會館門首標貼長紅及登報通告。通告及前1 年查核過的賬目,必須在14 天前寄出給全體會員。 | |
6.7 | 會員於選舉日須親自到會館領取蓋有會館圖章之選舉投票。 | |
6.8 | 候選人以得票最多者當選,如票數相同,則以抽簽決定之。 | |
6.9 | 選舉結果須即日當眾宣佈,不能次日宣佈。 | |
6.10 | 如當選人不願就任,須於當選後1 星期內正式致函會館呈辭。 | |
6.11 | 如當選人不願就任,則由後得票最高者遞補或由董事會委任。 | |
6.12 | 任何董事如在任期內有充足之理由呈辭,董事部得准其辭職。 | |
6.13 | 任何董事在任期中辭職,或逝世者不能出席董事會議,則由董事會選舉1 人遞補。 | |
6.14 | 所有董事部成員必須是馬來西亞公民。 | |
7. | 會議 | |
7.1 | 會館會議分為董事會議與會員大會2 種。 | |
7.2 | 特別會員大會之召開必須得到(a)150 名有效會員簽署提出,或(b) 三分之二董事簽署提出召開方為有效。 | |
7.3 | 提議開特大會議者須呈書面建議書予會長,列明召開會議之理由,並且會議需在60 天內舉行,提議者須全體出席。特大會議之召開,需91 名合格會員出席方能成會。 | |
7.4 | 董事會議須14 人出席方能成會,如不足數,須展期舉行,改期會議有7 人出席即能成會。 | |
7.5 | 會員大會須有81 位合格會員出席方能成會,如不足數, 展期會議須在兩星期內舉行方為有效。展期之會議,不論人數多寡,均為有效,惟須依照已定之議程進行。 | |
7.6 | 任何會員無出席會議,議決之事,慨作默認。 | |
7.7 | 會館任何會議除小組外皆由會長擔任出席,如會長缺席,則由署里會長或副會長擔任主席。如3 位會長均缺席時,則由出席會員內公舉1 人為臨時主席,權限與主席同。 | |
7.8 | 會館任何會議,對任何動議經討論後表決時,若支持與反對票數相同,由該會議之主席作最後決定。 | |
7.9 | 凡屬董事,於會議時一連三次不出席,且不致函會館申明原因,董事會將發出書面通知,至若第4 次會議若仍缺席,由董事會議將其撤職。 | |
7.10 | 任何董事須親自出席董事會議,不得委託任何代表代為出席。 | |
7.11 | 任何會員無權派任何代表,代為出席任何會員大會。 | |
7.12 | 會館任何會議所通過一切議案,須詳錄於會議記錄簿,以備稽察。 | |
7.13 | 董事會議須於每月舉行1 次。開會通告至少7 日前發出。 | |
7.14 | 董事會議可隨時召開,惟開會通知書須於開會前7 日發出,緊急會議不在此限。 | |
8. | 產業 | |
8.1 | 會館所有物產皆以雪隆廣肇會館名稱註冊,會館所有不動產,若未經出席三份之二會員在會員大會議決,不得出售。但若須銀行抵押作發展該產業,則需三份之二董事或81 名會員提出在大會議決方為有效。 | |
8.2 | 若情況許可,會館每年入息須撥至少十份之一作為儲備金。 | |
9. | 經費 | |
9.1 | 本會經費來源 ( 一) 租金,( 二) 會員入會費,( 三) 特別捐助。 | |
9.2 | 會館任何特別開銷,超越章程第5.4 之範圍外,均由董事會議表決。 | |
9.3 | 凡有慈善及教育性質之支出,須經董事部批准,若超過1 萬元或以上者,須經會員大會批准。 | |
10. | 紀念 | |
10.1 | 先賢- 趙煜榮君當日對會館具有殊勳,應予紀念,每年分春秋二季,每季送回150 元祭費予趙君後人,惟紀念費須在6 個月內前來領取。逾期後,由會館代捐與慈善機構,此紀念期限至公元2000年12 月31 日終止。 | |
10.2 | 入會超過1 年之會員逝世,會館送給帛金RM 100 正,在任董事仙逝,帛金RM 100 及等輓詞以不超過RM 350 ,以示悼忱。惟會員及董事家屬須於會員逝世3 個月內,前來會館報告及領取帛金,逾期取消。 | |
11. | 章程修改 | |
11.1 | 會館章程如董事會人數之三份之二或150 位會員同意應當修改者,得提交大會,大會出席人數三份之二同意應當修改者,得修改之,惟必須在60 天內向社團註冊官提出申請,並獲得批准,方為有效。 | |
備注 : | ||
* | 本章程共 11 章,內容如有爭論者,將依據英文版本為標準。 | |
* | 於 24/04/1999 第112 屆會員大會通過修改。 | |
* | 於 10/12/1999 獲社團註冊官批准。 |
1. | NAME | |
1.1 | The Association is called “Persatuan Kwong Siew Selangor Dan Wilayah Persekutuan (Selangor And Federal Territory Kwong Siew Association)”. Hereinafter called “the Association”. | |
2. | ADDRESS | |
2.1 | The registered places of business of the association is at no.168 Jalan Tun H.S.Lee 50000 Kuala Lumpur and its place of meeting is at no 149, 5th Floor, Jalan Tun.S.Lee 50000 Kuala Lumpur. The registered place of business cannot be changed without the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies. | |
3. | OBJECTS | |
3.1 | The objective of the Association is to foster friendship among the members, to promote welfare undertakings among the members and also help in the social and national public welfare and cultural activities. | |
3.2 | The Association shall keep in touch with all the other Kwong Siew Associations established in various states in East and West Malaysia with a view to foster good relationship. | |
4.1 | Any Malaysian citizen, who is of Canton and Kwong Siew descent, attains the age of 21 years old and of good character shall be eligible to apply for the membership of the Association. Provided that no University or University colleges students shall become member without the prior approval of the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor. The applicant has to be introduced by a member and seconded by another member. The application in a prescribed form duly completed has to be exhibited in the office of the Association for one week before the Committee of Management may approve it. | |
4.2 | All member must pay a sum of Ringgit Malaysia Ten (RM 10.00) only being the basic admission fees. The Ordinary member shall pay a sum Ringgit Malaysia Twenty (RM 20.00) annually as annual fees whereas the life member shall only pay once a sum of Ringgit Malaysia One Hundred (RM 100.00) only as life membership fees. | |
4.2.1 | An ordinary member who has not paid the annual subscription fro the year shall lose his/her right under clause 10.2 of these Rules. | |
4.2.2 | Any ordinary member whose membership does not exceed one year shall have no right to vote and/or to be elected. | |
4.2.3 | Any ordinary member who fails to pay the annual fees for these consecutive years shall render his membership automatically terminated. | |
4.2.4 | Any member of the Association who is found to be drug addict, or mentally insane, or having committed crimes, defaming the Association, damaging the immovable properties of the Association or causing any chaos in the Association, and having been found guilty of the misconduct by the disciplinary committee, the Committee of Management may exercise its discretionary power to vote in order to remove him/her from becoming a member of the Association. Bankrupts may be accepted as members but shall not be the office bearers in the Committee of Management. | |
4.3 | Any applicant whose application for membership having approved and having paid the requisite member fees shall be given a certificate of membership and a member card. His name shall be recorded in the members registration record. If the member card or the certificate of membership is lost, notice must be personally given to the Association for registration and a fresh member card or the certificate of membership, as the case may be, shall be issued as replacement after payment of a sum of RM 10.00 for administrative purpose. | |
5.1 | The Annual General meeting shall be the body vested with the supreme power of the Association. | |
5.2 | The Committee of Management shall consist 27 elected members holding the following respective position: Honorary Presidents, Honorary Deputy President, Honorary Vice President, Honorary Secretary General, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Assistant Treasurer, two Honorary Auditors, two Honorary Investigators and sixteen Ordinary Committee Members. All the affairs of the Association may only be executed after the Committee Meeting. |
5.3 | If there is a need, the Committee of Management may establish sub-committee to handle particular matters on the conditions that such sub-committees must be accountable to the Committee of Management. | |
5.4 | The Honorary President shall preside all meetings of the Association, execute all the approved resolutions, organize and supervise the carrying out of all affairs. He shall be the representative of the Association for all the external affairs and legal matters unless he is indisposed to represent the Association in which case a candidate shall be elected by the Committee of Management to replace him. The Honorary President has the right to authorize expenses of not more than RM 5,000.00. | |
5.5 | In the absence of the Honorary President, the Honorary Deputy or Honorary Vice President will carry out the duties on behalf of the Honorary President. If both the Honorary Deputy and the Honorary Vice president are not available, a nominated President by the Committee of Management shall carry out duties on his behalf but such a nominee shall have no authority to approve any expenses. | |
5.6 | The Honorary Secretary General shall assist the Honorary President to manage the daily affairs of the Association, execute the resolutions passed, and take care of all the other incidental affairs of the Association. As foe any important issues, they shall be brought to the attention of the Committee of Management for discussion. The Honorary Secretary General shall also supervise the staff of the Association. He may dismiss any staff found incompetent upon the approval of the Honorary President, Honorary Deputy President, Honorary Vice President and /or the Honorary Treasurer. He has the right to authorize expenses not exceeding RM 3,000.00. | |
5.7 | The Honorary Assistant Secretary General shall, in the absence of the Honorary Secretary General who is on leave, to carry out his duties on his behalf. | |
5.8 | The Honorary Treasurer shall be in charged of financing and expenditure. Monies received must be deposited in bank account. He shall hold not more that RM 1,000.00 in cash at all the times. Any cheque must be endorsed with the chop of the association and jointly signed by the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary President and also the Honorary Secretary General to be effective. | |
5.9 | The Honorary Assistant Treasurer shall, in the absence of the Honorary Treasurer who is on leave, carry out his duties on his behalf. | |
5.10 | The Honorary Auditors shall audit the accounts of the Association and examine all the receipts and bills. | |
5.11 | The Honorary Investigator shall investigate all the important matter of the Association and report to the committee of Management. | |
5.12 | The Ordinary Committee Members shall carry out such duties as directed by the Committee of Management. | |
5.13 | Before the new Committee of Management is established, the retiring office bearer shall take full responsibility of the Association matters. | |
6. | ELECTION | |
6.1 | Every year on or before the 30th day of June, an Annual General Meeting shall be held to elect if election is due the members of the Committee of Management, approve the minutes for the previous General Meeting, the financial reports for the previous year and any other matters. | |
6.2 | The tenure of office for the 27 members of the Committee of Management shall be 4 years. They are divided into 2 groups of 13 members and 14 members respectively: member of each group shall retire by rotation every 2 years and other 13 or 14 members, as the case may be, shall be elected, the retiring members are eligible for reelection. If necessary, the Committee of Management may nominate not more than 2 members as the additional Ordinary Committee members whose tenure of office shall not more than 2 years. | |
6.3 | The members of the Committee of Management having been elected shall within the period of 2 weeks convene a meeting at which the following office bearer:- Honorary Presidents, Honorary Deputy President, Honorary Vice President, Honorary Secretary General, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Assistant Treasurer, two Honorary Auditors, two Honorary Investigators and sixteen Ordinary Committee Members. The retiring office bearer may be re-elected but the post of the President, the Honorary Treasurer and the Secretary General cannot be held by the same member for more than 4 consecutive years. | |
6.4 | Every member of the Association has the right to elect or to be elected subject to Clause 4.2.2 of these Rules. | |
6.5 | After the Committee Of Management has finally decided on the date for convening the members General Meeting, a notice shall be published in the newspaper 1 month before the said date. Any motion must be submitted 14 days before the said date for convening of the General Meeting in writing to the Secretariat for discussion by the Committee of Management. The Committee of Management has absolute power t determine whether t accept any written motions for discussion or adoption at general meeting. | |
6.6 | For every general meeting a notice must be given two weeks before by way of advertising in the newspaper and placing a poster at the entrance of the premises of the Association. A copy of the notice together with the audited annual accounts of the previous year ending 31st December shall also be sent to all members 14 days in advance. | |
6.7 | The members must personally call at Association on the Election Day to collect forms duly embossed with the official seal of the Association. | |
6.8 | The candidates who obtain the most votes shall be elected but in the event where members obtaining the same number of votes, then a draw will be conducted to decide the winner. | |
6.9 | The results of the election must be announced on the same day. | |
6.10 | If the elected candidate refuses to assume the post, he must tender his letter of resignation within one week after being elected. | |
6.11 | If the elected candidate refuses to assume the post, his vacancy shall be filled by the candidate who obtains the next highest number of votes or be appointed by the Committee of Management. | |
6.12 | Any member of Committee of Management may resign during the term of office to the Committee of Management. | |
6.13 | When any member of the Committee of Management resigns or dies during the term of office, the Committee of Management shall elect a person to fill the vacant position. | |
6.14 | All members of Committee of Management and every officer performing executive functions in the Association shall be Malaysian Citizens. | |
7. | MEETING | |
7.1 | Meeting of the Association shall be divided into two types, namely meeting of the Committee of Management and general meeting of members. | |
7.2 | An Extraordinary General Meeting can only be convened when (a) it is proposed by joint signatures of 150 valid members or (b) it is proposed by the joint signatures of at least two-third of the member of the Committee of Management. | |
7.3 | Any proposal for convening an Extraordinary General Meeting must be given to the President in writing stating herein the reasons for the said meeting. The meeting shall be held within 60 days and all the signatories in the letter to the President must be present at Extraordinary General Meeting for the meeting to be valid. For an Extraordinary General Meeting requisitioned by the Committee of Management, 81 qualified members present shall constitute a quorum. | |
7.4 | The Committee of Management must have 14 members present to form a quorum. If there is no quorum, the meeting shall be postponed to another later date in which case seven members present shall forma q quorum. | |
7.5 | The Annual General Meeting must have eighty one (81) qualified members present to form a quorum. If there is no quorum, it shall be postponed to a later date within two weeks and at such postponed meeting, no quorum is required provided that the meeting shall proceed in accordance with the same agenda. | |
7.6 | Any member who fails to attend meeting shall be deemed to have agreed to resolutions passed during such meetings. | |
7.7 | Any meetings (except those for the sub committee) of the Association shall be presided by the President or in his absence, by the Honorary Deputy or Honorary Vice President. When all three of them are not available, a person shall be elected by the member present at the meeting to be the Chairman having the same power as the President. | |
7.8 | In the event of a tie in the counting of votes during any meeting of the Association, the final decision shall rest with the Chairman of that meeting. | |
7.9 | Any Committee of Management member who fails to attend three Consecutive meetings and without giving a written and valid explanation to the Association, then he shall be given a written warning by the Committee of Management. If he is still absent for the fourth meeting, then the committee of Management may expel him / her form the Committee. | |
7.10 | The Committee of Management member must personally attend the committee meeting and shall not be permitted to nominate anyone to attend on is behalf. | |
7.11 | No member shall be entitled to send a representative to attend any general meeting on his behalf. | |
7.12 | All resolutions passed at any meeting of the Association shall be recorded in the minute’s book for further reference. | |
7.13 | A meeting of Committee of Management shall be convened once a month and a notice on the meeting shall be given seven (7) days prior thereof. | |
7.14 | With the exception of an urgent Committee Of Management meeting, a committee meeting may be held at any time subject to a notice to be given seven (7) days before the meeting. | |
8.1 | All the properties of the Association must be registered under the name of the Association. All the immovable properties of the Association cannot be sold without the approval of two-third of the members present in a member General Meetings. If the property is to be developed with financing from the bank then it can only be effected if by eighty-one (81) members to be approved in a General Meeting. | |
8.2 | When it is practicable, at least one-tenth of the annual income of the Association shall be set aside as Reserve Fund. | |
9. | EXPENSES | |
9.1 | The Association’s source of fund is from (a) Rental Income, (b) Member’s Fees, (c) Special Donation | |
9.2 | Any special expenses of the Association which exceed the limit under clause 5.4 of this Rules shall be determined by the Committee of Management meeting. | |
9.3 | Any payment for charity or education purpose must be approved by the Committee of Management and any payment exceeding RM 10,000.00 must be approved by the members general meeting. | |
10. | MEMORIALS | |
10.1 | To show appreciation for the great contribution of the late Mr.Chew Yok Weng, the Association shall pay to his dependents two payments of worshiping fee of RM 150.00 each every year in spring and autumn. The fee will be given to charity organization if it is not collected within 6 month after the due date. This fund for memorials will end at 31st day of December 2000. | |
10.2 | In the event a member dies after having been a member for more than a year, the Association may give a condolence payment of not more than RM 100.00 to the member’s next of kin. In the event of death of a Committee of Management member, a condolence payment of not more than RM 100.00 will be paid to the member’s next kin and an obituary worth not more than RM350.00 will be published in the newspapers. Provided that the family of the deceased must, within 3 months of his death, report to the Association and collect the condolence payment, failing which the said fee shall be cancelled. | |
11.1 | The Rules and Regulation may be amended, if such proposed amendment is proposed by two-third of the Committee of Management members or 150 members to be considered at a member general meeting and two-third of those present in the general meeting agree to the amendments. No amendment is valid until it is approved by The Registrar of Societies. Any amendment to the Rules shall be submitted within 60 days to the Registrar of Societies. | |
備注 : | ||
* | 本章程共 11 章,內容如有爭論者,將依據英文版本為標準。 | |
* | 於 24/04/1999 第112 屆會員大會通過修改。 | |
* | 於 10/12/1999 獲社團註冊官批准。 |