為本會訂於19/09/2010 (星期日),(中午) 12 pm.於雪隆廣肇大廈6樓禮堂舉辦中秋暨7月份、8月份及9月份樂齡會員慶生會。
敬請有意參加之會員,於17/08/2010開始,前來本會秘書處購買席券,每張RM30/=,該月份生日之55歲以上樂齡會員購買席券則只需繳付RM 5/=。
由於場地空間有限,席券售完為止,敬希各會員儘早購票出席同慶中秋。任何疑問,可於辦公時間致電本會秘書處詢問 (Tel:03-2078 2735)。
Mid-Autumn Festival and Senior Citizens Members’ Birthdays Luncheon Celebration
We will celebrate the 2010 Mid-Autumn Festival together with the birthdays of senior citizens members on the 19/09/2010 (Sunday) at 12 pm. on the 6th Floor Wisma Kwong Siew at No. 147-149, Jalan Tun H S Lee Kuala Lumpur.
Members who are interested to attend the above function are requested to buy the tickets start from 17/08/2010 at Kwong Siew office during office hours.
Tickets are priced at RM30.00. Senior members 55 years and above whose birthdates happen to be in July, August or September 2010 only need to pay RM5.00.
Due to the hall capacity, seats are limited. Please come early to buy your tickets to avoid disappointment. If you have any questions please contact us at 03-20782735.