- 中文申請說明書
- 英文申请说明书 (Application Form – English Version)
- 大學貸學金申請表格 (Form A)
- 大學貸學金申請表格 (Form B)
- 大學貸學金申請表格 (Form C)
為協助品學兼优,有志深造,而家境清寒之雪隆廣肇同鄉青年學子,使得有機會進入我國各大學及新紀元學院、南方學院、拉曼學院等,完成其學業,本會特為會員子女設立 「 雪隆廣肇會館大學貸學金 」 。若經濟環境許可之下,本會將考慮開放予其他國外各大學之申請。
凡加入本會 1 年或以上之會員或會員子女,品學兼優,家境清寒,成功考進國內各大學、新紀元學院、南方學院及拉曼學院,或就學期間中途發生經濟困難,並符合本會有關細則者,均可提出申請。
This fund is set up specially for the purpose of assisting deserving students with good academic results to fulfill their desire for higher education but are facing financial constraints.
Selangor & Kuala Lumpur Kwong Siew Association Higher Education Loan Fund” is meant for members and children of members of good standing. The fund is not very large and the amount given out is only RM3000.00 per person per year but we hope it will help deserving students gain admission into local colleges and universities like the New Era College, South College, Tunku Abdul Rahman College and University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) , etc. However with the availability of more and bigger funds in the future, perhaps the association could consider applications from students enrolled in oversea universities and colleges.
This education loan fund is only available to members or children of members of good standing for at least 12 months, have good characters, good scholastic achievement and face financial constraints. However for those already enrolled in institutions mentioned above but are facing financial difficulties to continue their study programs, applications can be considered if they are able to comply with conditions stated.