168, Jalan Tun H.S.Lee

50000 Kuala Lumpur.Malaysia

+603-20782735 (辦公室)

+603-2072 6669 (關帝廟)

關帝廟開放時間 : 星期一至星期日

Operation from Monday to Sunday

2019 年會員子女學業成績優秀獎勵金申請表格

為鼓勵會員子女努力向學,本會每年皆設「會員子女學業成績優秀獎勵金」供會員子女申請。凡會員入會滿 1 年,其子女在學業成績表現卓越者,均可提出申請。
In order to encourage children of member to attain academic excellence, every year the association will initiate a “Award Program For Member’s Children”, which could be applied for.

下載獎勵金申請表格 Download Application Form For Education Incentive Awards 2019