日期:24/11/2013 (星期日)
時間:(晚上) 7pm.
**有興趣出席之會員可於 28/10/2013開始,前來本會辦事處購買席券,每張RM50。由於場地空間有限,席券售完為止,敬希各會員盡早購票出席。
**本會也特設免費敬老席,誠邀全體入會超過1年之65歲以上樂齡會員出席。有意出席會員,請持身份`證或會員卡於 28/10/2013開始向本會辦事處索票。
** 凡索取免費敬老席券之樂齡會員必須親自出席晚宴,不得將席券轉移予其他人出席,如發現有關情形,本會有權取消有關敬老席券。
** 敬老席位有限,因此希望各樂齡會員盡早前來辦事處索票,席券派完為止。
Date : 24/11/2013 (Sunday)
Time : 7 pm.
Venue : Hee Lai Ton Restaurant
Jalan Changkat Thambi Dollah,
Off Jalan Pudu, 55100 KL.
** Interested members who wish to attend the anniversary dinner are encouraged to purchasethe dinner tickets on 28/10/2013 at our office. Price is RM50 per person. Please purchase your dinner tickets early to avoid disappointment.
** In addition, FREE dinner tickets will be given to senior citizens members who are 65 years and older and have been a member for at least one year or longer. Interested senior citizens members have to show their NRIC or membership card to our office staff on 28/10/2013 to collect the free dinner tickets.
** Senior citizen members holding the anniversary tickets must personally attend the dinner themselves. They cannot transfer the tickets to others and if they are found to have violated the rule, the tickets will be withdrawn.
** First Come First Serve. Please Register early as seats are limited.