一件嶄新的校服,一個全新的書包,很多時候對於家境清貧的孩子而言,都是奢侈的要求。雪隆廣肇會館深感個中辛酸,今年,为配合雪隆廣肇會館125週年紀念,特別舉辦 《愛心派送》 社會公益活動,免費派送300份校服和書包予清貧家庭子弟,作為新學年之用。此項公益派送活動由雪隆廣肇會館聯合董事部及善心人士贊助,希望借此成為孩子學習路上一股小小的推動力,讓孩子們感受學習不因家貧而氣餒。
申請表格可於01/10/2012開始前來本會辦事處索取,或於本會網站 (www.kwongsiew.org)下載,填妥後交來本會辦事處,惟恕本會不接受通過傳真申請。申請截止日期為15/10/2012,逾期恕不接受。
1. 雪隆廣肇會館 RM 3,000
2. 林亞平 RM 3,000
3. 何鎮南 RM 2,000
4. 黃福威 RM 2,000
5. 陳漢芬 RM 800
6. 伍松發 RM 500
7. 李振光 RM 100
8. 黃德源 RM 100
9. 黎志平 RM 100
10. 楊梅英 RM 100
11. 曹耀南 RM 100
12. 馮繼成 RM 100
13. 馮國鎏 RM 100
14. 盧定法 RM 100
15. 楊新 RM 100
16. 林亞蘇 RM 100
17. 劉日生 RM 100
18. 李民強 RM 100
19. 張漢金 RM 100
20. 陳晉耀 RM 100
21. 陳廣發 RM 100
22. 羅桂萍 RM 100
23. 陳一賢 RM 50
任何疑問,請於辦工時間 (9am–5pm) 致電本會辦事處詢問(03-2078 2735) 或電郵至 [email protected]。
For the poor and needy children, new school uniforms and new schoolbags are often the luxuries. In view of this, the Selangor & Federal Territory Kwong Siew Association has organised a “Love Delivery” charitable activity this year in line with the commemoration of the 125th anniversary of the Association where 300 free school uniforms and schoolbags will be given to children from poor families for the use in the new school year. This charitable activity is jointly sponsored by the Selangor & Federal Territory Kwong Siew Association, its Board of Directors and good-hearted people with the hope that this will become a small driving force for the learning of the children so that they will not be discouraged because of poverty. Application forms are available at the Association’s office from 01/10/2012 or download from the Association’s website (www.kwongsiew.org). Complete the forms and return them to the office. Applications by way of fax are not acceptable by this Association. The closing date for the application is 15/10/2012, late applications will not be entertained.
Sponsor of Charitable social contribution activity:
1. Selangor & Federal Territory Kwong Siew Association RM 3,000
2. Lam Ah Peng RM 3,000
3. Ho Chan Nam RM 2,000
4. Wong Fook Way RM 2,000
5. Chan Hon Fun RM 800
6. Ng Choong Fah RM 500
7. Lee Chun Kong RM 100
8. Wong Tuck Yuen RM 100
9. Lye Chee Peng RM 100
10. Yong Boo Ying RM 100
11. Cho Yew Nam RM 100
12. Fong Kai Seng RM 100
13. Fong Kwok Lau RM 100
14. Loo Thing Fatt RM 100
15. Yong Sin RM 100
16. Lam Ah Soo RM 100
17. Law Yit Sang RM 100
18. Lee Mun Keong RM 100
19. Cheong Hon Kim RM 100
20. Chin Chin Yoe RM 100
21. Chan Kong Fatt RM 100
22. Loh Kwai Ping RM 100
23. Chan Chow Yin RM 50
Any further enquiries please feel free to call our office during office hours (9am-5pm) at 03-20782735 or e-mail us at [email protected].